(Revised 10/5/2020)
This policy provides guidelines to submit communication requests with an approval form that is needed to ensure proper coordination of Mass announcements, bulletin information, or information distribution in the church.
The Communication Request Form is to be submitted to the appropriate parish staff person to review, approve and coordinate requests. The parish staff commission representatives are:
Bulletin notes must be submitted no later than Tuesday noon to be included in the coming weekend's church bulletin. Due to space limitations, priority will be given to parish sponsored events.
Bulletin notes are to be forwarded to the appropriate parish staff commission representative for review and approval using the Communication Request Form or electronically by e-mail.
Bulletin note announcements are limited generally to twice per event – please plan accordingly.
The purpose of the Sacred Liturgy is to worship God and be nourished in the Holy Eucharist. The rubrics provide that brief announcements may be made after the prayer after Communion. Therefore, it is this parish's policy to provide for announcements to be made at that time, but also to take care that those announcements are both relevant and, as the rubrics instruct, brief.
Mass announcements are generally made after the prayer after Communion by the presiding priest.
Mass announcements are limited to events occurring in the church Gathering Area that weekend, or at the discretion of the pastor.
Requests for Mass announcements must be submitted no later than noon Tuesday prior to the weekend announcements using the Communication Request Form.
Mass announcements are to be kept to one or two short sentences. An example announcement would be: Please stop by the School table in the Gathering Area today for a registration form after Mass.
The Mass announcement is subject to approval and editing by the pastoral staff.
If a scheduling conflict occurs that would prohibit making the desired announcement, the staff representative will contact the requester to make alternate arrangements.
A request to use a table in the Gathering Area (in conjunction with a Mass announcement) must be made at least two weeks before to the desired weekend using a Communication Request Form. The additional lead time is needed to determine if space and tables will be available on the weekend requested. If so, the staff representative will arrange for a table and commission banner (if available) for designating the area.
If a scheduling conflict occurs that would prohibit making the desired announcement, the staff representative will contact the requester to make alternate arrangements. Please plan accordingly.
Infomercial style announcements are of a slightly longer nature, where a more personal appeal or explanation is necessary. These usually consist of a representative from the group coming forward to make the announcement toward the end of Mass.
Infomercials require additional coordination.
A request for an infomercial is first made with the appropriate parish staff commission representative for review and approval using the Communication Request Form.
The infomercial talk must be prepared in writing and submitted with the Communication Request Form. It shall be no more than two minutes in length. An infomercial request must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the desired announcement weekend.
A list of people making the announcement for each of the weekend Masses must be submitted to the staff representative by the Wednesday before the announcement date.
Infomercials will be done after the prayer after Communion, and after all other announcements.
If a scheduling conflict occurs that would prohibit making the desired announcement, the staff representative will contact the requester to make alternate arrangements.
Bulletin inserts (flyers) are to be used sparingly and require the pastor's review/approval at least two weeks prior to the desired weekend bulletin. This requires pre-planning and a sample of the exact bulletin insert/flyer to be submitted along with the Communication Request to the staff representative prior to the two week lead-time for the pastor's approval. In order to be good stewards of paper, duplicator costs and labor – inserts are to be used sparingly especially when a bulletin note would suffice.
Information for the kiosk must receive prior staff approval. Faith Formation Commission representative, Brenda Bertram, will coordinate the display of the items and when items will be removed. Due to limited kiosk space, not all materials can be posted.
Unapproved information placed on the kiosk will be removed.
Absolutely no materials are to be posted, taped, or pinned to the inside or outside of church doors, walls or windows.
Outdoor signage requires special review through the staff representative and the pastor. Because outdoor signage is expensive and governed by ordinances, permission must be sought from the Pastor and may be referred to the Pastoral Council. Therefore, requests for outdoor signage must be well planned and discussed in advance of any decisions to proceed.
Submit a Communication Request Form Download a Communication Request Form